Are there other reasons why we need the Bill?

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Yes. Defensive medicine is increasingly putting a brake on medical advances.

Doctors are rightly held to account for mistakes. However one effect of defensive medicine is to increase the pressure on doctors to stick to the standard treatment, to avoid anything risky, even if the standard treatment leads to the death of the patient.

Dr Max Pemberton -The fear of being sued is ruining modern medicine
Dr Max Pemberton -The fear of being sued is ruining modern medicine

Dr  Max Pemberton –  The fear of being sued is ruining modern medicine.

“It’s a tragic indictment of modern medicine that too often innovation is jettisoned in favour of the status quo – not because it’s in the patient’s best interest, but because of the fear of being sued.

“This defensive medicine is at the heart of so much clinical practice now.”

→READ: Dr Max Pemberton’s full article in the Telegraph

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